Opening : Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00

Specialist Care

Premium Class Care, Tailored To Your Needs

We know that some conditions require specialist care. That is why TrinityPlush Health Care service provides  specialised care  to our clients with illness or injury, that needs extra care and support.

Tailored Services We Provide

Dementia Care

Dementia CareDementia could be an overwhelming experience to both the patient and their family members. At trinity plus care we run a comprehensive and flexible care system for patients with dementia with the aim to support the patient and their family members to live life at their very best and at the comfort of their homes.

Alzheimer’s Disease

This disease appears to be one of the most common diseases among the aged. It is a form of dementia which is caused by a physical disease which gradually affects the brain of the patients.
Since this disease affects individuals differently, we make sure we come out with a care and support plan which is unique for each patient and their family to help you maintain control over your activities even as we support you.

Parkinson’s Disease Care

This disease is a nervous disorder which affects the elderly. It results when the nerve cells responsible for producing dopamine is destroyed making it impossible for the brain to send proper signals to the rest of the body.

Since this disease do not have a specific cure yet, we tend to advise that patient opt for domiciliary care to help them manage the symptoms whiles they go about their daily activities.

Physical Disabilities Care

Living a fulfilled life should never be impaired by a physical disability. This is why in trinity plus care we believe in making sure are clients enjoy a meaningful and purposeful life irrespective of the condition they find themselves in. We understand the uniqueness of each individuals and their various goals and aspirations. Having to choose us to run your physical disability care means that you are entitled to a care and support which helps you:
• Stay connected with friends and family.
• Full independent on your daily activities and other events which serves as a priority to you
• Manage your daily house and work activities.
• Keep fit and healthy by making sure you attend all medical appointment and engage in daily exercise.

Learning Disabilities Support

At trinity plus care, we tend to support you in living the kind of life you want to. By focusing on your interests, weakness and strength we come out with a plan which involves you and uniquely suits you. To support you in living the life you want. Having to choose us to run your physical disability care means that you are entitled to a care and support which helps you:
• Stay connected with friends and family.
• Full independent on your daily activities and other events which serves as a priority to you
• Manage your daily house and work activities.
• Keep fit and healthy by making sure you attend all medical appointment and engage in daily exercise.

End of Life Care

Trinity plus care provides you with domiciliary care which supports you and allows you to choose where, and how you would want to spend the last days of your life.
We go all out to ensure that the wish list of our clients are met before the last day of their life. We work hand in hand with your health professional to help manage the symptoms of your illness in order to ensure that you fulfill every item of your wish list with family and friends at your very own comfort.
Our trained staff will be with you at every step of the way till your last breath.

Reablement Services

A client recovering from an injury or illness may require the need for care and support to help regain their independence at home. At trinity plus we provide a reablement service to support our customers in such positions.
Our abled staff are trained with the required skills to help you regain your independence. They are also trained to identify the emotional effects of your illness or injury which enables to know exactly how to support you and your family.

Acquired Brain Injury

At TrinityPlus we understand that the effect of an acquired brain injury could be very emotionally challenging for both the patient and their family and friends.
We make sure our care staff provide a very effective and quality home care support service to our respective client since we understand that the emotionally effects defer from one person to the other.

Our care staff will assist you with:

• By making sure you eat nutritious meals daily
• Making sure you take your prescribed medication at the right time.
• Taking care of your body and other personal hygiene activity.
• Support to relearn basic life skills.
• Child care support, especially helping children adjust to the changes in their relative


Having Arthritis could be a painful experience one could deal with. Sometimes it involves that one would practically need to be assisted in living almost every time.
Trinity plus care provides you with the right care you need to help you carry out our activity and most importantly to actually be in control as before.

We assist you by:

• Making sure you have the right medication and also seeing to it that you take them at the prescribed times.
• Taking part in activities you enjoy
• Making sure we call daily to enable you get up and prepare for your day.
• Making sure you engage in exercise in order to help with your mobility.
• Keeping on top of housework such as cleaning and laundry
• Helping you get to the shops or doing your shopping for you if you prefer.
• Preparing your meals if the need be.

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